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Buy concrete in Krasnogorsk and Krasnogorsk region

One of the enterprises in the Krasnogorsk region, carrying out the production of ready-mixed concrete, is the TransStroy-M company. We have recently entered the concrete market, but have already managed to acquire a lot of permanent partners who have appreciated the benefits of mutually beneficial cooperation.

A modern production base, the use of high-quality raw materials and strict adherence to production technologies allow us to offer our customers exceptionally high-quality products that meet all requirements and standards. Today we supply all grades of concrete, including those modified with additives at the request of the client in order to optimally match the specific task being solved.

Бетон Красногорск

How to order concrete with delivery in Krasnogorsk

It is easy to order concrete  in our company. We work not only with wholesale buyers represented by large construction companies and organizations, but also with individuals who need small volumes concrete.

You can buy concrete directly on our website, for which you need to fill out an application, indicating all the main parameters of the purchase (concrete brand, volume, and so on). After that, a TransStroy-M specialist will call you back by phone to confirm the order and clarify the details.

Due to the presence of our own fleet of vehicles, we carry out delivery of concrete to Krasnogorsk, while in our work we proceed from the need to strictly observe the agreed deadlines, since the overall efficiency of the work performed depends on the accuracy and efficiency of concrete delivery. We strongly recommend that our customers place an order for the purchase of concrete no later than 24 hours from the required delivery time, which will eliminate any delays and downtime.

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*In our production, a superplasticizing additive "BIOPAN®B-8" is used

Пластификатор для бетона

Раствор строительный Пк 3 Р100

3000 руб./м3

Раствор строительный Пк 3 Р150

3100 руб./м3

Раствор строительный Пк 3 Р200

3200 руб./м3

Бетон М100 В7,5 П3 F75 W2

3000 руб./м3

Бетон М150 В12,5 П4 F75 W2

3150 руб./м3

Бетон М200 В15 П4 F100 W4

3400 руб./м3

Бетон М250 В20 П4 F150 W4

3500 руб./м3

Бетон М300 В22,5 П4 F150 W6

3700 руб./м3

Бетон М350 В25 П4 F200 W8

3800 руб./м3

Бетон М400 В30 П4 F200 W10 (Гранитный)

4300 руб./м3

Бетон М450 В35 П4 F300 W10 (гранитный)

4700 руб./м3

Где используют

Бетон М500 В40 П4 F300 W12 (гранитный)

4900 руб./м3

Керамзитобетон М100 В7,5 П3 F50 W2 D1200

3500 руб./м3

Керамзитобетон М150 В10 П3 F50 W2 D1300

3650 руб./м3

Керамзитобетон М200 В12,5 П3 F50 W2 D1300

3800 руб./м3

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Buy concrete in the Krasnogorsk region

Until recently, there were no enterprises engaged in the production of concrete on the territory of the Krasnogorsk region. Today we are ready to offer quality products of all brands in any volume. Of course, you can make a purchase in other areas of the Moscow region, but do not forget that an increase in the delivery distance not only increases the final price tag of the purchase, but also increases the risk of concrete hardening along the way.

Our plant is located in close proximity to the city, which allows us to quickly organize the delivery of fresh ready-mixed concrete by specialized vehicles (“mixers”). As a result, the buyer gets the opportunity to lay a mixture with the highest possible characteristics.

We provide delivery to the client in the nearest districts of Moscow no later than two hours after the end of the preparation of the mixture, while in each case we work out the optimal transportation route to minimize time losses.

Concrete plant in Krasnogorsk

Our own concrete production plant allows us not only to be responsible to customers for the quality of the products offered, to supply exclusively freshly prepared concrete, but also to provide products with attractive prices that do not include intermediary markups.

Our concrete  can carry out any type of work, including the most complex and responsible. It is only required to choose the right brand and additives, if necessary, after which there will be no doubt that the structures to be poured will be reliable and durable.

Competitive advantages of our concrete plant

  • The use of modern European equipment in conjunction with the observance of technology allows us to offer customers high-quality concrete of any grade;

  • Our own laboratory allows you to quickly test all products for compliance with the standards of each specific brand;

  • You can buy concrete from TransStroy-M at the most attractive prices that compare favorably with competitors' offers;

  • We provide comprehensive services, carrying out not only the production and sale, but also the delivery of ready-mixed concrete to the customer in any volume.

  • Thanks to our own fleet of vehicles, we will deliver your order at the right time.

Shipment of concrete to customers is carried out around the clock, and you can place an order in many ways, choosing the most convenient for you (on the website, by phone, e-mail or in person at the company's office).

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Warranties and liability for concrete -GOST 7473

Гарантия качества

Delivery of concrete

Dispelling the myths: 10 misconceptions when working with concrete






The world of concrete construction is full of fictions and misconceptions, which, with the penetration into the broad masses, become almost a golden canon for most concrete workers. But true professionals do not agree with false politics. It's time to dispel common myths when working with concrete, often serving as the cause of poor quality work!





Myth #1: Water will help increase shrinkage.



In practice: this is far from the best way to increase shrinkage and it is better not to resort to it.




Indeed, the addition of liquid in an abundant amount enhances shrinkage well, but at the same time, it negatively affects the strength of the concrete structure, and makes it difficult to further maintain it. This is due to the fact that water has a diluting effect on the mixture, and also increases the ratio of liquid in comparison with binders. Excess water will not have the best effect on the frost resistance of the material.


The workability of mortars and mixtures plays a key role in concrete work. But achieving this property by increasing fluid flow is not the best solution. Such experiments will only worsen the resistance of cement. In order for concrete pouring to acquire plasticity, it is enough to correctly combine the proportions of aggregates and cement paste. When the latter is multiplied, the concrete will flawlessly succumb during laying, and its strength will remain untouched. It is also possible to noticeably improve shrinkage with the help of plasticizers, which are widely used by specialists in concrete construction to increase workability.


Most technical regulations state in black and white that it is PROHIBITED to add water to the concrete mixture at the construction site. Often, concrete workers who disregard this rule will end up disappointed. This especially applies to inattentive unfortunate craftsmen who use water "enriched" with chemicals. This "dilution" prevents the mobility of both the mixture itself and the air composition inside it.





Myth No. 2: the brand of concrete is easy to recognize by the number of bags of cement



In practice: composition proportion depends on technical requirements.




“How many bags of cement will be required per cube of concrete”  is the most pressing dilemma among concrete masters. But quality cannot be measured by bags. Cement is delivered to the construction site, most often in 50 kg paper bags, and often does not meet the proper standard. Its proportionality in concrete pouring is influenced by the purpose of construction.


But you should not abuse this astringent. Otherwise, there is a high probability of getting rolling stock and poor-quality shrinkage. In excess, cement also serves as an obstacle to maintaining optimal temperature conditions. It is better to use the minimum amount of binder building material. This will extend the durability of the structure, its wear resistance and aesthetic qualities of the surface.





Myth #3: Concrete is airtight.



In practice: porosity is characteristic of even the strongest concrete structure.




Concrete passes through itself any liquids and vaporous substances. Its porosity is only responsible for the duration of this process, which can last either a couple of minutes or several months.


To improve the tightness, concrete is saturated with sealing chemical and additional cementing impurities - pasteurizers, hydrophobic cement, silica, fly ash. For greater efficiency, you can treat the concrete surface with a moisture-repellent substance.





Myth #4: The durability of concrete depends on its strength.



In practice: in compression, the durability depends not only on the hardness index.




In compression, one of the most significant concrete characteristics is its strength threshold. But there are a number of individual qualities that have a much greater impact on the durability of concrete, even under harsh environmental conditions. The motives for early wear of the structure are:


  • reinforcement corrosion;

  • low frost resistance;

  • redox reactions;

  • weak indicator of sulfate resistance.


The golden rule says that reducing the permeability of concrete is the main source of its durability.





Myth #5: Calcium chloride will keep liquids from freezing.



In practice: calcium salt does not have antifreeze properties, and only accelerates the hardening of concrete.




By adding calcium chloride at the initial stage of manufacturing the building mixture, setting can be accelerated by almost half. But until fresh concrete gains starting strength, it needs to be protected from freezing. Without it, the building material will simply stiffen, and this will negatively affect its strength in the future. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, when concreting the surface on the street on a cold day, it is important to make sure that the optimum temperature regime of the mixture is maintained.





Myth #6: You can safely cast concrete on wet, frozen ground without taking extra precautions.



In practice:  neglecting precautions, with the assistance of adverse weather conditions, you can earn a lot of trouble with the ground.




Concreting of frozen ground is fraught with uneven shrinkage and cracks, which may well appear after thawing. The temperature imbalance between the soil and concrete is dangerous because the latter cools too quickly, and the rate of its solidification decreases. Ideally, the temperature of the soil should match the temperature of the concrete mix. There are a couple of effective ways to warm up the soil before concreting, among which professionals distinguish artificial heating.






Myth No. 7: if the concreted surface is dry, you can safely proceed to the finishing part of the work.



In practice:  dryness is not yet the dominant criterion that allows you to start finishing manipulations.




An illiterate approach to processing a concreted structure is fraught with unpleasant aesthetic flaws:


  • bulges;

  • coating;

  • cracks;

  • flaking.


To determine whether surfaces are ready for finishing, you need to have a lot of experience in the field of concreting. Of course, you can resort, as they say, to the "old-fashioned method": fix polyethylene on the surface and monitor the appearance of condensate under the film. But for an accurate determination, it is better to use a professional moisture meter. Its accuracy will be one hundred percent, because the device takes into account many factors that affect the drying of concrete: weather conditions, type of construction.





Myth #8: A perfectly smooth surface guarantees a flawless finish



In practice: After shrinkage, hardening and complete drying, concrete tends to distort volumes.




The accumulated moisture and the imbalance of the temperature regime of the upper and lower parts of the concrete slab lead to its deformation. If the curing process occurs in a dry environment, the concrete shrinks, and if in a wet environment, it hardens and swells. Force loads also cause deformation. To avoid it, you can resort to the technology of drying concrete.





Myth #9: Reinforced concrete won't crack.



In practice:  reinforcement is not yet a guarantee of preventing cracks when volume changes.




If the increase in the volume of the concrete surface is constrained by structural features, then it is likely that it will crack under the onslaught of compressive stress. Often, it is the reinforcement that provokes the occurrence of microcracks. Structural reinforcements do nothing to prevent their formation, but help to contain the boundaries and keep the further expansion of the "holes" under control. In the process of destruction of the concrete surface, the compression deformation is transferred to the steel structural elements. For this reason, reinforced concrete structures are more resistant to heavy loads than monolithic ones.





Myth #10: Curing concrete and drying it are the same thing.



In practice:   concrete needs moisture to dry well.




Drying concrete does nothing to harden it. While maintaining optimal humidity and temperature conditions, hydration will continue. When the freshly poured mixture begins to dry out, that is, no more than 80% of the initial moisture indicator remains, the hydration process will stop. And if the temperature of fresh concrete drops to 5, it will slow down significantly.


For optimum hardening of concrete, a favorable temperature and degree of humidity are necessary, and these criteria are important at the very beginning of pouring. It depends on them whether the result will be good.

3 important recommendations for pouring concrete from Trans Stroy M!
  • 1. Vibrate the concrete

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  • 2. Water 2-3 hours after pouring, every 3-4 hours for 7 days

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  • 3. Cover concrete after pouring

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Useful information for builders
  • Foundation types

The basis of any structure is the foundation. Thanks to him, the load can be evenly distributed over the base. The choice of the type of foundation can be influenced by such parameters as the weight of the structure, the type of soil, the level of groundwater, the depth of soil freezing in a given area. Specialists are engaged in determining the quality of the soil, such work should be carried out even before the start of construction. By their design, the foundations are tape, tile, pile, columnar, according to the material used in their construction - concrete, rubble, rubble concrete, reinforced concrete. Most often used by those who want to get an inexpensive foundation concrete, the price of which is low. Reinforced concrete options are also popular. Reinforced concrete and concrete structures can be used in the construction of stone, brick, concrete wooden buildings. In Krasnogorsk, Istra, Odintsovo and other cities of the Moscow region, such foundations are also used when a house is being built with a basement. The foundation is laid not only under load-bearing walls, but also under stoves, fireplaces. Strip foundations are also classified according to construction technology. They are monolithic and prefabricated. Concrete is used for a monolithic foundation, the price of this material is most attractive for summer residents. When erecting prefabricated structures, concrete blocks are used. Its durability and strength depend on the correct laying of the foundation.

  • Foundation construction technology

For the construction of a monolithic foundation of a basement-free structure, a trench of the required parameters is dug. Crushed stone or large stones are laid on its bottom, which are compacted and poured with a layer of concrete. The solution should be evenly distributed over the entire surface, avoiding the formation of voids. This operation is repeated several times until the required volume is obtained. Next, the foundation is covered with burlap and watered for 2-3 weeks so that it slowly sets. It takes less effort and time to build a prefabricated foundation. Ready-made blocks are used as the material, which are laid in a shallow trench with a prepared base. The seams and junctions of the walls require mandatory dressing. The prefabricated version of the foundation is more expensive than the monolithic one.

Наши работы

Называние услуги: Аренда бетононаоаса 36 м

Адрес объекта: г. Красногорск д. Павшино

Задача: Заливка бетона м350 28 м3.

бетононасос 36 м.jpg

Называние услуги: Аренда линейного бетононасоса 

Адрес объекта: Одинцовский район КП Жуковка 2

Задача: Заливка бетона в подвале м250 40 м3.

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Называние услуги: Аренда бетононаоаса 36 м

Адрес объекта: Красногорский район д. Глухово

Задача: Заливка бетона м350 42 м3.

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Называние услуги: Аренда бетононаоаса 24 м

Адрес объекта: Истринский район д. Красный поселок

Задача: Заливка бетона м350 27 м3.

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